FullPageOS 0.10.0 Production version Released

FullPageOS 0.10.0 Production version Released

This release is targeted at Raspberry Pi 3 A+ and B+, but should work on any ARMv7 device supporting the Raspbian Stretch release from April 8th, 2019. Raspberry Pi 4 runs on ARMv8, so we will issue a separate release for it soon.

Many users have reported better performance in Chromium on Raspberry Pi with GPU acceleration disabled, so we have release 2 variants of this version of FullPageOS. Please use the one that works best with your web app.

We have also added support for Raspberry Pi 3 A+ out of the box.

Setup instructions have been published on our website in a mobile friendly format. We have added a QR code on the welcome screen that lets you read setup instructions from your phone while setting up the system.

Please let us know if there are any new features you would like to see in future releases.

Guy Sheffer, Tailor Vijay and OTOT, the FullPageOS team.

Original release notes by Guy Sheffer on Github


Changes in the image

  • Support for RaspberryPi 3 A +
  • Chromium Version 72.0.3626.121 (Official Build) Built on Raspbian , running on Raspbian 9.8 (32-bit)
  • New no-acceleration variant, basically the identical to main variant, but with GPU not enabled. The reasons is some users reported black screens on some RaspberryPis, and disaaling the GPU seems to solve it. Info at #235 #179 #128
  • New Built on new Raspbian base image 2019-04-08
  • Add option to Auto refresh added on log errors [WIP] thanks to @benyanke ( 379204e )
  • Updated welcome page!
  • Fixed bug where FullPageDashboard was tiny on boot without Internet. #157

Build notes:


New no-acceleration variant:


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